Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The New Year Hedges In

A re:solution-to keep this blog updated regularly. And make it my journal.

my Art/human/bcurrent- reflection/thoughts- blog/journal. (and find a hardcopy equivalent)

1. answer a.z questions (use below stuff for answers, about artists I look up to)
2. write to farwah
3. get a job

thought number one: the new generation of t.o theatre artists will be black in a large portion. thank god.

Good artists (in t.o for now): d'bi young, adam lazarus, ravi jain, claire calnan, lauren brontman (verbatim theatre), antonio cayonne, adam paolozza

Ones my age I have been happy to know: Owais, Ruta, Alex, Alexis, Jenny, Virgillia, Sophia, Andrew,Kevin, Laura, Colin, Beth, Ana Marija, Shannon, Cassey (Sea) Walker, Rong, Elaine, Sandy ,Iva, Madison, Rain, Ingrid.Cooper?

Time for theatre parts feels good, reading Anne Bogarts blog (as a result?) feels good.

It's still happening.