Friday, February 18, 2011

A blog post.

it is 4:19 in the morning and this does not surprise me. I like this time of...this time between times. It's quiet. And light enough to see the silhouettes of houses. I've been thinking a lot recently, but about the wrong things. not wrong,just not useful. But a friend's blog reminded me of my own persuasions. should thank him for removing my bitterness and polishing my pursuit of the "soul". (always nice to have even unknowing support). Now I just have to figure out a way to tell the friend that. I like sharing thoughts, however imperfectly. (though it seemed pretty perfect at the time of reading). And I like the connections that words have. (was looking up a synonym for conviction,exciting and enticing to see the different meanings: one can be convicted for their convictions with conviction).
(inspire is another great one for that: besides the common definition it also means to take in breath,which seems fitting,especially acting wise)


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